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9 Productive Ways To Avoid Facebook Addiction From Today



Facebook is one of the most commonly used site by people. It recently touched the benchmark of 1 billion signed in users in a single day. You can guess from this number that how much people are addicted to Facebook. People from every corner of the world, from whichever race, caste or class they belong, have their account registered with Facebook.

Ways To Avoid Facebook Addiction

It might look socially appealing but the actual results are that you are ignorant to your real social world. Have you ever feel anxious when you did not check your Facebook account? If yes, then you are actually addictive to this social site while your real life is not important to you anymore. But do not think that there is no way out? Following are the 9 best tips to get rid of Facebook addiction in a productive way.

Reflect Your Facebook Usage

Log in to your Facebook account and do whatever you want to on do Facebook as usual for a day. After that, reflect what you did on Facebook and what you got from that experience. Whether you enjoyed, got a new friend, discovered something new or so. Then analyze what you would have done if Facebook was not available for time being.

Avoid Facebook Addiction

Compare both scenarios and you will definitely find out that the time spent without Facebook is much more enjoyable and charming. That will lead your intentions to quit using Facebook.

Compromise on Notifications

Your will is absolutely required to get barred from this addiction. You need to take some actions on which you have to compromise, at least in the beginning. The first action you need to perform is to turn off all notification alerts on Facebook.


how to stop Facebook Addiction

Whether it is a friend request, new chat, like, comment or whatever; learn to ignore this attraction and it will prove beneficial for you.

Change Your Mind

Number of thoughts come to your mind, begging to check your News Feeds or Notifications on Facebook or a careless thought, that a quick look on updates will not hurt you. Simply ignore these kind of thoughts and change your mind to some other activity.

change mind

A quick live conversation is better than a glimpse on chat bar or playing baseball is far better than Candy Crush on Facebook.

Facebook Nanny

Imagine a nanny who is standing by your side and doing nothing but reminding you that you have spent a lot of time on Facebook and it is time to do something else. Of course there is no such nanny in the real world, but google again has come to your rescue.

facebook nanny

There is an extension available on Chrome Web Store named as Facebook Nanny which limits your Facebook usage. Install that extension and keep maximum limit on your Facebook usage.


Clean Your Friends list

Does a person to whom you have never met in last 5 to 10 years matters in your life? So why keeping him or her as a friend on Facebook and exploring his gallery or wall? It is again a waste of time and increase in addiction to Facebook. Just unfriend those to whom you have no intention to meet or interact in future.

facebook friends list

It will shorten your news feed and lower the amount of time you spend on Facebook.

Interact Less on Facebook

Whenever you see a picture of your friend on your timeline, whether you like it or not, just try not to click on the like button and avoid commenting on it, tell him personally instead.

Facebook interactiob

In this way, not only your friend will think that you really liked his or her picture but you will also get rid of those unwanted notifications which urge you to peek in your account. Also avoid updating your status very often.

Try Alternatives of Facebook

There are also many other alternative sites for Facebook which are more productive and less addictive. Have a look at LinkedIn, which maintains your professional contacts with your employer, colleagues and clients to help you in your professional as well as social life.


alternatives of facebook

Twitter is another good alternative for Facebook. It does not have those extra features which Facebook provides but still the approach is far better. The only thing required is to read the tweets of your favorite personalities and post your own tweets which is not at all addictive.

Find Other Sources of Pleasure

There are too many other sources of pleasure and it will be correct to say that Facebook is not a source of pleasure.

facebook alternatives


To seek pleasure, try hanging out with your friend or family, have a cup of coffee or an hour of football which will enrich you with both mental and physical pleasure.

Make Friends

Real friends are totally different from your Facebook friends. Just make few friends in your locality and spend time with them, you will always feel surrounded by them and no time will be left for you to check your Facebook account.


make friends outside facebook

Your wish and desire of updating your news feed will also vanish as well with this activity.
