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Top 20+ MP3 Search Engines to Find Songs



People used to find it difficult to search for their favorite songs online. Most of them still think that Youtube is the only fastest way to search for a song because we can easily download Youtube videos using several methods or just convert videos to mp3 format and then download.

Almost everyone searches for songs online but could not find them immediately or just don’t know where to start searching for songs where they can download in less number of clicks. Even if you “Google” it, you’ll get unlimited number of sites filled with nothing except junk and ads with the song’s name in the title of the page.

To solve this issue, special search engines were developed to help all those music fans who are always busy finding songs online.

This article lists down all those mp3 search engines which are designed to minimize the time of songs searching. After reviewing so many of them, I came up with 23 best of MP3 search engines which are fast, easy in navigation and contains thousands of songs in their databases. You can also listen to any song before you download.

1. BeeMp3

2. Midomi

3. Mp3Search

4. Mp3Series

5. Oonly

6. SharingMusics

7. Songza

8. SeekASong

9. AirMp3

10. DesMp3

11. Dilandau

12. Gig-Listing

13. HuntmyMusic

14. Live Plasma

15. Mp3Raid

16. MixTurtle

17. MusicBiatch

18. Musgle

19. KaraBit

20. GrooveShark

21. AudioBaba

22. FindMp3s

23. Mp3Realm

Hope you liked the effort. Feel free to add the search engine that you like or use in the comments below. I’ll probably add your site in the list.
