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Not Getting Enough Sales? 11 Things You Might Be Missing Before Promoting Your Site



things to do before website promotion

If there has been a long time since you launched your website and it is not proving to be a great support for your sales, you are in the wrong taxi moving towards the wrong address. Need not to worry anymore, as following checklist of few important and working things to do before website promotion are here to give a glance.

Join a forum of similar niche

Promoting your website in a forum where all the other people belong to the same niche as you, can serve as a free marketing strategy for you. Usually, people post several different questions and problems in a forum. All you need to do is become an active member by answering the questions that you think you can nail. This way your popularity will increase along with the traffic of your website.forums

Identify wrongs in your industry

One of the things to do before website promotion, divert all the attention of your industry towards you without people knowing it. Put your hands on one of the sensitive nerves of your industry and start an online campaign to make it right. The attentions will be grabbed automatically and people will ultimately come to know about your brand.campaigns

Online website promotion with your camera

Grab your camera and get a ticket to the corporate events in your industry. Post the pictures with a positive review with the organizers knowing it. This may turn out to be the best online website promotion tactic.

Post reviews about big products

Write positive reviews with high-quality content about the big products in your niche and let them know about it. You can also post these reviews at their social media accounts or drop an email at their website.Five Star Rating

Organize giveaways

Giveaways always work for new and old websites. This should always be enlisted in the online promotion steps for sure. You can give some part of your product or services in the giveaways or at least organize shout outs to the people who are your new visitors or indulge more with you.

Research about top bloggers in your niche

Have a know-how of the top blogging websites and influential people in your industry. You may ask them to give a small space in their blog for your website or give them free gifts related to your services and products to inspire them to talk about you.

Give testimonials for free

Many companies’ websites ask for people’s testimonials and stuff. You may present your free services in this regard and in return ask for a small favor to bring up your name in one of their tweets or something alike.


Live seminars can make you famous

You can either arrange webinars or if possible, live seminars of your own. If this sounds hard and expensive, you can be a part of the ongoing events, seminars or even webinars in your circle. There are always ample chances for making a recognition in these kinds of ceremonies.

Tag or backlink the big names in your niche

Whenever you post something in your blog or website, always try to tag the popular names in your industry. Some might even notice and give you a shout out. Another way is back linking. Trust me, people always know when you backlink them and they can’t help but notice your presence.

Use the power of YouTube

Make a YouTube video and make it viral. Attach a link to your website and people will automatically be visiting your services.

Hire website promotion services

There are many promotion services which take very little to make you famous. Hire them, they might help you a lot.
