Speed Up Start Menu Appearance with Zero Delay!
Today When I noticed that my start menu is taking little longer to show up, I thought to decrease its delay time a bit more.
This is an old trick, that I think most of the amateur Windows users or users who have played with windows registry before, must know. 😉
This little trick actually increases Windows Start Menu appearance time. Follow these steps:
1. Click Start Menu 6. Now decrease the value to only 150, its the perfect speed setting, so menus appear quick, but not so quick so that the un-wanted ones appear as you place cursor. If you find that 150 (speed) still slow or too fast to handle, you can repeat the steps and increase/decrease the value. This little toggle will make a big difference in showing start menu without any annoying delays. 🙂
2. Type “Regedit” (without quotes and hit enter)
3. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop
4. Find and Select MenuShowDelay from the right column.
5. Double Click it to open diaogue box that’ll actually change the appearance time of start menu.
7. Reboot your computer.
But don’t forget to restart the system to observe changes.