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[How-To] Search Files of Any Specific Format in Google



Google being the king of all search engines offers so many interesting features in web search that still most of us are unaware of. With it’s advanced search you can  customize your search results and filter so many options like language, location, file size, creation date and file type.

If you never experienced file searching of any format with Google, then let me tell you that this is the only fastest way to search for a specific format. Google also indexes files as efficiently as it does web pages. You just need to enter the file name, or a title that you want to search for as you normally do while searching web pages.

All you need is to type:
filetype: [fileformat] <space> [your search query]

Like for example you’re looking for powerpoint presentations on “Internet Marketing”, you will type this:

filetype:ppt Internet Marketing


Searching file types with Google

For pdf file format with same name, you need to type:

filetype:pdf Internet Marketing

Searching file types with Google

This works for most of the popular file formats, you can search for pdf, doc, xls, zip, all audio video and image file formats and many more.