Quickest Way to Install/Add “Recent Posts” Widgets to Blogger Blog
“Recent Posts” Widget shows your Blogger/Blogspot Blog’s recent posts. Visitors from search engines and other sites may land on any of your blog post, so if you have a recent posts widget installed in your sidebar, they can see your recent posts through this widget without going to home page of your blog.
Also check Advanced Recent Posts Widget with Thumbnails and other advance options.
Follow the simple steps to install a “Recent Posts” Widget in your blogger blog.
1. Click the button to Add the widget.
Sign in to your blogger account (if you’re not already)
2. Choose your blog from the drop down list (if you have multiple blogs) and Click “Configure Gadget”.
3. Make changes according to your needs.
You can choose to display summaries of your posts and can configure the length of summaries; also choose whether or not to display item dates and the number of posts to be displayed. By default 10 recent posts and all the options are selected.
4. Click Save.
You’ll be taken to your blog’s layout page, where you can drag and drop the widget where you want to show it.
Also check Advanced Recent Posts Widget with Thumbnails and other advance options.