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Make Tabbed-browsing smoother for Firefox



Tab Mix Plus is one of the best Firefox extensions which makes the tabbed browsing even better and smoother.

Tab Mix Plus enhances Firefox’s tab browsing capabilities.

It includes such features as duplicating tabs, controlling tab focus, tab clicking options, undo closed tabs and windows, plus much more.
It also includes a full-featured session manager.

Tab Mix Plus can change the close button on each tab feature, control the rows of tabs when you exceed the width of the browser window, and almost everything else associated with tabs.

You can:

~Use your scroll wheel to browse tabs.
~Control tab switching via mouse gestures.
~Specify where Web pages will open, whether in a new tab or the current one or in a separate new window.
~Duplicate a tab.
~Protect a tab from closing.
~Merge tabs from several windows.
~Prevents those annoying blank tabs when files are downloading.


Another very useful feature is a session manager that restores tabs that were open the last time the browser shut down.

To see more options, go to “Tools” menu of Firefox and select “Tab Mix Plus Options”.

I’ll strongly recommend this add on for all Firefox users.
