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How To Publish Your Blog Posts Automatically On



For beginners, getting quick traffic to their blog is little hard in the start. Beside following tips to drive traffic and using widgets to increase page views, gaining traffic from other sites and blogs is also important to increase page rank and to find permanent readers for your blog.

There are many public blogging platforms where you can write your content with as many backlinks as you want of your blog. I use many of them but like best of all. You not only find dozens of categories to choose and write but also find useful content updated almost every minute by millions of bloggers around the world.

BloggersBase is actually a discovery platform for bloggers, user-generate-content and readers alike. This platform takes the form of an online magazine spanning various topics, each implemented as a multi-authored blog. You can earn point and money by writing quality content there. Judges are also others bloggers – by there comments and ratings you can earn points which in turn helps you earn money through contests.

The best thing about is that you can publish your blog posts without writing there! Sounds weird? Ok What I mean to say is whatever you write on your actual blog can automatically be published on bloggersbase. You don’t have to write your blog’s content again from scratch on bloggersbase to attract readers to your blog.

To do this all you have to add your blog’s RSS feed URL to your bloggersbase profile preferences.

1. Login (or create new account) on
2. Go to your Profile > preferences.


3. Scroll below a little until you find “Add RSS-in Feed”

4. Choose your blog’s category, and add your Blog’s RSS Feed URL and click “Add RSS-in” button to save the settings.

Now whenever you publish anything on your blog, will be notified to your bloggersbase profile through your RSS Feed. You’ll get an email within seconds from bloggersbase after you publish something on your blog.

5. Just click the green “Publish” button in the email and see your post automatically publishing on bloggerbase without writing a single word again.

You can alo go for “Edit” button in the email in case you want to change anything in the post before publishing.

Visit: BloggersBase

If you face any issue setting up your RSS feed in bloggersbase or publishing, just leave the comments below. Also I’d love to know other sites like bloggersbase, if you know or use some please share with me.
