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How To Make Windows 8 Look Like Windows 7 [2 Simplest Ways]



How To Make Windows 8 Look Like Windows 7

Ever Since Windows 8 has launched, users have faced difficulties in adopting the new UI. According to surveys, users want to use the new Windows 8 but without Windows 8 Tiles, and Start Screen, they want the new Windows 8 to look like Windows 7. This article is for those who don’t know much about command prompt and avoid hassles of following multiple instructions. So here I’ll show you How To Make Windows 8 Look Like Windows 7 in 2 Simplest Ways I found.

How To Make Windows 8 Look Like Windows 7

1. Download Classic Shell

Classic Shell is a free software which allows you to get Windows 7 or even Windows XP look-alike Start menu on your Windows 8, the greatest draw-back amongst users who are unable to adopt Windows 8 is the absence of Start menu, Classic Shell involves simple installation steps and implementation.

After you have downloaded, the download screen appears as follows :

How To Make Windows 8 Look Like Windows 7

After you have installed, the following window appears :

How To Make Windows 8 Look Like Windows 7

You have to open Start Menu Style tab and select WINDOWS 7 and click OK, after you click OK, you will get a whole lot of new customizable features, with which you can further customize your UI, the windows look-like:


make your windows 8 look exactly like your familiar windows 7

As you can see, you can change the styling, general behavior, menu look and other features on this panel and click OK, after this you may get a warning , which you have to click YES so the Changes may be applied.

Your new Windows 8 menu will look-like this :

make your windows 8 look exactly like your familiar windows 7

You may uninstall this program anytime to get back your Windows 8 original User Interface.

2. Vi-Start

This is again a free third-party application. After simple installation steps, this app will make your Windows desktop look-like Windows 7 with the exactly same start menu as you see in Windows 7.

Make Windows 8 look like Windows 7

You can make changes in the application by moving cursor over to Tray icon and selecting OPTIONS for customization.


Make Windows 8 look like Windows 7

The OPTION menu will look-like this :

Make Windows 8 look like Windows 7

You can select options according to your needs as well as Put a check on Start with Windows so that it loads every time Windows Starts.