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The Ultimate Comparison Of Email Marketing Gurus – GetResponse vs AWeber



GetResponse vs AWeber

There are hundreds of email marketing services available out there. But GetResponse and AWeber are considered as two best email marketing tools with advance features and unlimited number of facilities. Here the question is ‘what’ if you have to select one? i.e. Either GetResponse or AWeber. However all of us want to have best email marketing service with no or less limitations to make our online business a great success. In this  article I am going to compare features of both GetResponse and AWeber. This detailed comparison would help us to identify that who the winner is. Let’s have a look.

GetResponse vs AWeber


GetResponse is an email marketing tool, that will provide you all the features you want in very affordable price. GetResponse helps its users to connect in a better way and guides every user to improve their online campaigns. GetResponse is among world’s easiest email marketing tool that provides its services in 180 countries all across the globe with 1 billion new subscriptions every month. In addition to that GetResponse is an email creator, auto respondent 2.0, landing page creator, provides 24 hours a day live support and last but not the least it gets better delivery rates and less delays as compared to others email marketing softwares. GetResponse helps one in maintaining the list of contact and create professional marketing campaigns as well as it is also useful in finding the information and tools that helps you to reach your audience in a more convenient and attractive way of course. We will be discussing these features in details in the section below.


Talking about AWeber, it is considered as top email marketing provider with best features and competitive pricing plan. All of the features you are expecting from a good email marketing tool are offered by AWeber and yes these features are advanced and up to date. Well! Of course not more advanced as compared to GetResponse. Talking about the history of AWeber, it was introduced in 1998 and keeps on introducing new and advanced features till now. Also AWeber is the only email marketing tool that will ensure you 30 days money back guarantee. Yeah I know this is great. We will be talking about AWeber features in detail in the sections below.

Comparison Between The Two


Deliverability is on the most important factor you must be looking for in a good email marketing tool. Deliverability rate ensures that your email is being sent successfully to the subscribers. Of course if all of your emails are not showing up into your subscribers inbox, that wouldn’t be a good enough for you.
So talking about the deliverability rate, GetResponse have highest delivery rate among the entire email marketing tools. Yes that is 99%. As compared to this, AWeber also have deliverability rate above 90%. It’s not that bad, but yes not perfect like GetResponse. So GetResponse is clearly winner when we talk about Deliverability rate.

Free Trial

My opinion about free trial is that, an email marketing tool must offer a free trial to its users. The reason behind this is that, free trial enables your users to go through all the features of email marketing services properly. If they are satisfied they might go for upgradation and if their satisfactory level is low, they should back off. GetResponse offers its users a free trial of 30 days without demanding any advance credit card details. You can avail all the features for free.
In comparison to that AWeber offers you a free trial of 30 days. But when you are going to sign up, they would like you to enter your credit card details in advance. In AWeber when you are going to subscribe for the monthly plan, 1st 30 day will be free but then you are supposed to pay according to the plan.


Auto Responder

I would suggest you to consider Auto responder feature, before going for any email marketing service. Auto Responder is the feature that sends the email automatically on the basis of time or event. AWeber Auto responder feature is little outdated as compared to GetResponse, AWeber enables you to only send time based emails. It means you can select the time, when email required to be sent and it will be sent to the subscriber on that particular time accordingly. But GetResponse enables you to send both time and action based emails. Action based means that email is being sent to your subscriber when he is done with performing a specific action. Like, purchasing your product. This of course is huge advantage of GetResponse autoresponder. So GetResponse wins the auto responder war.

Sending Message

Let’s have a look on the process of creating message of both email marketing tools. GetResponse and AWeber both have pretty much easy procedure when it comes to the creation of message. Both of them have drag and drop editor that helps you to perform function like formatting text in fractions of seconds with few buttons. Both GetResponse and AWeber have time zones that enable you to send email according to the subscriber’s time. The only difference that makes GetResponse a better email marketing tool as compared to AWeber is that.

  1. It enables you to preview your emails on multiple devices. For example smart phone, tabs etc.
  2. Secondly, GetResponse’s split testing feature is a way better than AWeber.

So GetResponse have an Edge over AWeber, when we talk about Sending message.


Analytics is the feature that distinguishes a good email marketing tool and a great email marketing. A great email marketing tool will be providing you all the details about the success of online Campaign.

GetResponse provides its users with all the information related to their online campaign. It allows you to see quickly all the data related to your campaigns. In addition to that, data is organized in well mannered way that you can access it so easily and quickly.

getresponse analytics

In comparison to that AWeber shows a large amount of data in analytics. Though it is difficult to understand but still it is quite useful. So there is draw between GetResponse and AWeber when it comes to data Analytics.


aweber analytics


If you are blogger, you will be using simple email templates. But there are some people out there who want to use new templates everyday.
GetResponse will provide you 500+ built in templates that can be edited by simple drag and drop option. These templates includes business, art, craft, sports, music and templates related to other fields of life too In addition to that GetResponse also have 1000s of iStock images that can be added up into emails before sending.

getresponse templates

Talking about email templates, AWeber is no less than GetResponse. AWeber has stock of built in email templates. I would to like mention here that both AWeber and GetResponse email templates are responsive. It means that it will detect and change according to the device, you are reading the templates on. Yes it is not going to ruined you layout when you are reading the emails on Smartphone or any other device.

aweber templates

So when it comes to Templates, there is draw between GetResponse and AWeber.

Ease Of Use/ User Friendly

GetResponse is better than AWeber when we talk about ease of use. It is more friendly and simple in use. A person with less technical knowledge can also use GetResponse easily. In addition to that GetResponse landing pages are easy to create. You can create landing page by easy drag and drop option without hiring any technical person. Moreover GetResponse will be guiding you on every step through different tutorials if you are a newcomer.  The layout of GetResponse is very attractive and eye catching affecting your online campaign in positive manners of course. In comparison to that, AWeber is bit complex; you are supposed to use third party software to create your landing page. So GetResponse is more user friendly as compared to AWeber.


The comparison of these two email marketing tools remains incomplete, without comparing the pricing plans of both. Pricing is no doubt an important factor that has impact on consumer purchase behavior.
Talking about GetResponse, its pricing plans start with $15 allowing you to send emails to 1000 subscribers in a month.


getresponse pricing

AWeber in comparison to that starts its pricing plan with $19 and allows you to send emails to 500 subscribers.

aweber pricing

See here is the big difference. GetResponse will be offering you different discounts and pricing plan throughout the year. If you are going to avail yearly plan GetResponse will offer you 18% discount.


Both have their own distinguish features but I will love to go for GetResponse.  Because it is user friendly and easy and simple in use. It is more advance and up to date and so many other reasons listed above.


Features Winner
Autoresponder Getresponse
Templates Draw
Pricing GetResponse
Free Trial GetResponse
Sending Message GetResponse
Deliverability GetResponse
Analytics Draw