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USB Show: FREE Utility to Recover Virus Effected Hidden Files



USB is one of the key elements causing our systems to get affected from viruses, and usually viruses hide themselves so that they can easily penetrate into the system. USB Show helps to Recover Virus Effected Hidden Files reveals all this hidden files so that you can be aware of them. As a normal user we’ll obviously respond to the above material by the fact that by enabling the option of “show hidden files” in the folder option menu can get he same result.

USB Show screenshot

Recover Virus Effected Hidden Files

Viruses which disguise themselves in the hidden form attacks in such a way that they hide the actual folders and the virus itself represents it self as the actual folder causing the user to fall in its prey as user will click on the virus icon causing further infection to be triggered.

Recover Virus Effected Hidden Files

Moreover if this virus is removed, the actual data still remained hidden and can be shown by the “show hidden files”  option but does not allow you to change it’s hidden properties.

As per my best knowledge USB Show is the only tool which rectify this problem and helps to Recover Virus Effected Hidden Files you just select the location of drive and it’ll unhide all the data.

Download USB Show (filesize : 108 KB)
