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Facebook Advertisement vs Email Marketing – Which one to choose for your business?



Facebook Advertisement vs Email Marketing

The new growing trend of social media marketing can improve your business like Facebook became pocket television, thus people are getting it very hard to choose among the two most common ways of marketing i.e Facebook advertisement vs email marketing. After reading this article you will able to choose the best way to advertise your business, you will know that which kind of people you have to target via email marketing and Facebook advertisement.

Facebook Advertisement vs Email Marketing

Facebook Advertisement vs Email Marketing are the two leading ways used by businesses to promote their products and to increase their sales. below are the benefits of both Facebook advertisement and email marketing, which will help you to select the best way to advertise.

Facebook Advertisement vs Email Marketing

Benefits of advertising on Facebook

Facebook is one of the best social media websites on the internet. Facebook is the second most visited website on the Internet behind Google.

Almost 1.4 billion individuals use Facebook to connect with what matters to them and more than 900 million visits every day. When you run a Facebook Advert, you can choose the audiences that can see it by location, age, interests and more.

With Facebook Adverts, you can choose the type of audiences you want to reach and Facebook delivers your adverts to them. Facebook makes your adverts more important for the people who see them, and it brings you real results.

You can grow customer loyalty through a Facebook fan page. Many kinds of businesses have created Facebook fan pages that users can join easily. These fan pages allow your business to interact directly with your customers so that you can shape loyalty and brand image.


You can offer special promotions through your Facebook fan page. You can use your Facebook Fan page as a platform for your new products promotion or advertisement campaign. Updates on new product launches keep your customers more knowledgeable that what products or services you offer.

Facebook facilitates multiple advertisement views. Your advertisement needs many views by an individual. A large number of Facebook users visit the site several times a day.

Choose between Cost per click (CPC) and Cost-per-Thousand Impression (CPM) pay structures. Facebook allows you to purchase advertisement space based on clicks or impression fee structure. This allows you to tailor your ad campaign based on budget and other preferences.

A great benefit of Facebook advertisement to your business is an ability to reach smartphone users. Facebook is used via smartphones worldwide every single day. This means your target is not only the people who use computers, your advertisement will reach to every individual who is using the smartphone.

Smartphones are now part of our lives, people use Smartphones and tablets to discover, communicate and shop.


Email Marketing

Email marketing is applied by thousands of businesses across the globe. Those who are unaware of this method of advertising cannot immediately understand why it is so popular amongst organizations in a variety of industries but here are some reasons why email marketing is seen by many as a vital marketing tool.

  1. Email marketing allows you to reach millions of customers with a click of a button. Compared to other forms of marketing or advertising, the cost of an email marketing campaign is low. You do not have to pay printing or mailing costs. Most likely, you will have to pay for a company to send your Emails, which protects your business against spam complaints, but this is a small monthly charge.
  2. Email marketing increases your sales because you are able to contact so many former customers at a time via email, you will be able to increase interest in your products which often results in increased sales. While there is no way to tell exactly how much you will be able to increase profits, it is safe to say that your mailing will generate at least some more sales.
  3. Email marketing is one of the only networks that consumers ask to receive. The majority of businesses using the platform only send messages to those people who have signed up to receive them. By email marketing business is only targeting those who already interested in their brand. It is, of course, possible to send unsolicited email marketing messages, but this is only likely to irritate consumers and result in a damaged brand image.


After comparisons of both Facebook advertisement vs Email marketing, we can conclude that it depends on your business, if your business is not limited to a group of specific audience or organizations, you should advertise on Facebook because your advertisement can reach to everyone while the email marketing is used when you have a list of interested audience.
