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The Idiot’s Guide to Earn Money From Amazon Affiliate Program



Mke money with amazon affiliate program

Affiliate marketing programs are based on earning money online through commissions, by promoting someone else’s product. Upon a promoted items sale by your referral, you are awarded commission on it. How are referrals made? Simple, you need to post referral links to a product on your website and write a promotional article on it or have an advertising banner on your Website.

Mke money with amazon affiliate program

What is Amazon Affiliate Marketing Program?

Amazon Affiliates Program

Amazon Affiliate Program is one of the best affiliate programs and it’s all about promoting Amazon products. Each year millions of dollars are invested on Amazon by people from all around the globe. Amazon Affiliate Program brings you the opportunity to get a small cut out of the generated revenue. As said earlier, all you have to do for that is to promote Amazon products.

How Much Money Can You Make With Amazon Affiliate Program?

You can earn up to 10% commission on Amazon. Depending on what you’re selling. However firstly you’ll start off with a 4% commission on general products. But then the percentage of commission keeps rising by the number of sales you’ve made each month, which can be up to 8%. The more products sold the higher the commission is, for all the products, including the ones sold earlier than reaching a higher markup of Commission.


Besides general products commission, there are fixed advertising fee rates on products listed below, among which two of them i.e game downloads and amazon coins have a fixed rate of 10% commission, so selling these can be quite profitable.

Amazon affiliation marketing program

The fun fact about Amazon Affiliate Program is, that even if a person doesn’t buy something you referred, and instead buys something else, you’ll still get a commission for products bought through visiting Amazon from your referral link. Not only that you’ll earn commission on every product bought after visiting Amazon through your affiliate link for a period of 24 hours after arrival on Amazon.


Earning Methods – What Products To Promote And How To Sell?

Amazon’s a giant marketplace. Choosing a product to promote isn’t hard. Look on Amazon for popular products related to your blog niche and promote them. But for instance, if your website posts mobile phone reviews then don’t try to promote an iPhone. There’s a lot of competition out there already, so look for popular products, but only those who aren’t being promoted by dozens of other Affiliate associates.

Tips On How To Promote Amazon Products The Right Way

  • Don’t go off the track. Yes, the more expensive the product is the more commission you get. But don’t promote a product which does not really fit into your blog niche. It’s very less likely for someone to be interested in something which they’re not there for.
  • Products of low prices are more likely to be bought through your referral. But no, that doesn’t pay well. On the other hand, people don’t buy expensive stuff hastily, so you’d seldom make any sales. Therefore, mid-range items are the ones to market. Best is to promote items around a minimum of $100 to maximum $350. In this price range, there are tons of things to promote in almost every category.
  • Make sure that your promotions are candid and not just to earn money online, by luring people to buy an item. Give an honest review on a product with its pros and cons, and then leave it up to the reader to decide. You can only have readers back on your website by gaining their trust. Don’t make them feel that you’re desperately trying to sell a product.
  • Promote a product which you think is most likely to be bought. Try and make comparisons between products wherein you can also put the links of compared products with the one being reviewed. That way there are increased chances of sales.

What Is Best For Linking To Amazon Products – Widgets, Images or Textual Links?

You can’t expect any sales by only putting images and widgets on your website. These two must be used side by side with textual links. To sell a product, you must give a good reason to your readers why to buy it. Therefore review a product; merely putting an image or widget on your website won’t do. Also, use more than two links in a post, encoded/inserted within the text.

Special offers

Amazon Affiliate Program

Special offers can be viewed from your Amazon user panel; look for those which fit your blog niche and promote them! Bargain deals are always attractive, and most likely you’ll make some sales.

Success Stories

There are many famous online personalities who’ve made a living out of Amazon Affiliate Program. These stories can surely give you a motivational drive, and there’s a lot to learn by these Amazon associates. So check out this link to see who they’re, and how they achieved success.
