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Chrome Extension To Update Your Google Plus, Twitter and Facebook Status



Google Plus Share extension which let you share your Google Plus updates to other social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. But the use this Chrome extension is restricted to the Google Plus only. It means that you can use it only on Google Plus. But what if you want to update your Google Plus, Twitter or Facebook status simultaneously from other network than the Google Plus?

Now here is the solution for that too. Publish Sync is a social networking Chrome extension which let you update your social networking profiles from any other social networks. Right now, it supports Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and Plurk. That means you can update your status on these profiles from any of these profiles.

It supports the text, video, pictures and web links to publish. It is also having the sharing function for the Google Plus using which users can share whatever public content in Google Plus profile to Linkedin, Digg, Myspace, Facebook and Twitter.

Click Here To Install Publish Sync Chrome Extension
