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Web Hosting Tips: To Choose Web Hosting Company with Maximum Uptime



When you decide to go online with your venture and take immense efforts to design and build a beautiful website. After creating the most vital tool for your online business you, will definitely search for the best web hosting service provider. While choosing the web hosting services you will think of all the requirements and needs you have from this company and will solely rely on them for obtaining good results. After you choose the perfect web hosting services you get access to some great features like bandwidth, storage space, cPanel, web applications, add-ons, software’s, firewalls, customer support and most important is the web hosting uptime guarantee.

Understanding Uptime

It is important to make sure that your website is live for most of the time and especially you have to maintain the average uptime of you have ecommerce website which has traffic at any courses the day and night. Different web hosting companies provide different uptime guarantee ranging from 99.99% to 100 %. The maximum uptime guarantees you have to trust is 99.99% and never trust those service providers that guarantee 100% uptime. Virtually it is impossible for any server in the world to provide 100% uptime even the most accredited Google does not provide this kind of guarantee. There will be times when the main servers will be shut down for maintenance and technical issues and no server will work for 100% without creating any problem throughout its lifetime.
The actual reports that are published in the website norms are derived from the previous records and there is no guarantee that it will provide the same uptime eventually for coming years. As any problem does not arise by asking for permission, they are unpredictable but maintaining uptime in such situation is the skills and reliability provided by the webs hosting companies. Many times, they have to shut down servers for upgradation, software installation, malware or virus threats, or due to other technical problems. Most of the times when they undertake technical upgradation or maintenance of servers they do it in a planned way so as not to affect the uptime of their clients.

Requirement of Uptime guarantee

You require perfect uptime if you own an ecommerce website as there will be constant visitors visiting your website for purchases. Due to down time you can loose on your prime revenue generating opportunities as well it will affect the search engine rankings of your website. So please make sure you choose the best web hosting service provider that has maximum uptime.