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Best Real-time Word Processor



It is always been a difficult to work in real time with your mates after school/university or office timings. There are several real time word processors available on internet but they are updated after 10 to 15 seconds you are saving, and you can not make changes in someone others notes at the very right moment and this is really a great problem.. being an graduate student I also faced this problem that’s why I searched over it.. though live messengers and mails are  solution for it but not a reliable there’s always some problem we have to face in it to write to someone and than wait till gets reply ……waste of time…

I found Etherpad as one of the best real-time word processor and worked on it several time with my friends and it’s really great, it’s updating at the right time you are typing in and your friends can make changes in it if they are invited in that pad. When multiple people edit the same document simultaneously, any changes are instantly reflected on everyone’s screen. The result is a new and productive way to collaborate on text documents, useful for meeting notes, drafting sessions, education, team programming, and more.
It’s really simple you just have to make a pad and share the link with whoever you want..

Other “real-time” editors like Google Docs work by broadcasting an updated copy of the document to everyone every 15 seconds. This creates a noticeable lag that gets in the way of collaboration. You start editing something, only to find 10 seconds later that someone else deleted it.

Etherpad updates every copy of the document every half second. This 30x increase in speed changes the experience completely. Your edits hardly ever clash with other users’. So you work confidently instead of tentatively.
