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6 Tips To Increase Comments on Your Blog



Well, blogging is mundane and boring when the communication is only one way and has to be two or multiple ways to keep in touch with your readers, hear from them as that will help you to improve on your blog performance and your blogging skills.Increase Blog Comments

Here are the few ways wherein you will find yourself encouraged to write more and blog more with effective interaction by receiving more comments.

1. Ask your visitors to leave a comment before they leave

Unless you ask the readers to leave a comment, the voracious readers will not have a second thought of leaving their comments, about the articles or make a critical suggestion and comments to initiate a discussion. However, when you leave in the last line a request to leave comments, there are very many chances that you may receive comments flowing in.

2. Include questions in your article

Leave the reader guessing and make the reader to share an answer, when you leave your blog with a question. Even if you already know the answer, this is a good idea to receive comments for your questions and you can share and discuss ideas and thoughts. Sound more genuine and be open to receive comments.

3. Reply without fail to the comments

The best way to encourage receiving more comments on your page is to reply back to the comment, with a word of gratitude or your ideas for the comments. Sometimes, readers finding your blog great piece to get their article done will love to leave a word of gratitude for the help that they receive from your blog. So thank them and these comments will give you an idea about the kind of readers that you receive. This will help you to write much more engaging articles.

4. Make Comment box User-friendly

If you are going to use your comment box as a way to keep track of regular readers or if you are thinking of asking them to register then make this more user-friendly by not requiring more than their username, name and/or email address. Try to remove the captcha, as you need not bother if the computer is generating the comments unless you are being seriously hacked or spammed. Readers are lazy to undergo a tedious process before they comment.


5. Use Comment Notifier Plug-ins

These Plugins are very much useful in letting you know that you article has received a comment via email with an option to go directly to the comment or to the page. You will be now able to revert immediately and at the earliest possible time, which serves as a good way to initiate comments to discussions.

6. Give Giveaways and Goodies to the Best comment

When you conduct a contest by giving away some goodies for your commenting section then you are not wrong in your assumption that you will be receiving more comments and will in turn also be increasing the number of readers to take time to comment about your blog posts.